Every Story Matters – Sharing your HH story can increase understanding and awareness.

The process of sharing this often difficult journey can be healing for both you and others in our community. If you’re interested, please complete this form and we’ll start the process.

Meet Brett

Mark and I married 8 years ago, in our mid-thirties, and wanted nothing more than to be parents.  Our journey to parenthood took the course of unsuccessful infertility treatments, as well as domestic newborn adoption.  Brett was born on Saturday, October 5, 2019, however, we didn’t meet him until 5 days later in the hospital…

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Meet Lou

Meet Lou – A Story of Hope Lou’s story, like many others on this site, begins with a series of misdiagnoses. When he was an infant he was making an odd sound — a  repetitive ‘ho-ho’ that wasn’t very laughter-like. Our baby would make noises every 15 minutes, waking himself up and because of this…

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Meet Madeleine

Madeleine was born on September 5th, 2004. Everything appeared normal until some unusual symptoms at 6 months old. Her diagnosis from Great Ormond Street was quick, she had a Hypothalamic Hamartoma (HH), a rare type of brain tumor. We were constantly watching for seizures, common with this diagnosis, but thankfully they never appeared. On the…

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Meet Chloe

In October 2018, we first noticed Chloe having what we called staring episodes. She would all of sudden have a blank facial expression and not respond to us. These episodes would last for 45 seconds – 1 minute. Afterward, she would seem confused and sometimes tired. We noticed that these would follow these bouts of…

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Meet Max

Our Mr. Max was born on August 25, 2009. Besides a little morning sickness in the beginning, I had a wonderful pregnancy, and his delivery was without any complications. His big brother, Jack, dad, and I could not wait to meet the little man that was going to complete our family. Max was born a…

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Meet Francesco

Appreciate the little moments in life. That’s what my almost three-year-old son has taught me. Francesco was born, full-term and completely healthy boy, on December 27, 2016. He came into a world that loved and cherished him; a support system of three beautiful step siblings, two loving parents, two clever dogs, and extended family and…

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Meet David

If you met David or indeed if you saw David perform you would be surprised to learn that David had a hypothalamic hamartoma (HH), had surgery in the Barrow in Phoenix at age 12 and had huge challenges along his journey to success. David’s HH presented itself to us when he was 9 years old…

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Meet Guilherme [Translation]

Meu nome é Renato e moro no Brasil com minha esposa e 2 filhos. Estou aqui para falar sobre meu filho mais velho, Guilherme. Nasceu em 2011. Junto com o HH, Guilherme também nasceu com polidactilia de ambas as mãos e de ambos os pés. Por muitas razões, digo que ele é realmente único. Levou…

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Meet Guilherme

[see translation here] My name is Renato and I live in Brazil with my wife and 2 kids. I am here to tell you about my oldest son, Guilherme. He was born in 2011. Along with the hypothalamic hamartoma (HH), Guilherme also was born with polydactyly of both hands and both feet. For many reasons,…

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Update on JoJo

We first introduced JoJo after his surgeries in 2011 when he was 19 months old.  He had a full removal of his large Type 4 Hypothalamic Hamartoma (HH) after two surgeries, a craniotomy to remove 90% of the HH and then endoscopic to remove the remaining 10%.  JoJo used to have 100 gelastic seizures a…

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Meet Aiden

As soon as Aiden was born he started having what we called at that time “tiny panic attacks” where he would have a very rhythmic cry for a couple of seconds and then his eyes would roll upward and to the left for a second while his arms flew out to his sides. It would…

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Meet Calebe [Translation]

Hola comunidad de HH, mi nombre es Calebe, tengo 9 años. Soy de João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil. Tengo un hamartoma hipotalámico extraño (HH). Me diagnosticaron hamartoma hipotalámico (HH) en 2018. Sin embargo, desde mis primeros años de vida sufrí los síntomas de esta enfermedad. Siempre he tenido convulsiones, pero me llevó tiempo determinar la causa de estas…

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