Every Story Matters – Sharing your HH story can increase understanding and awareness.

The process of sharing this often difficult journey can be healing for both you and others in our community. If you’re interested, please complete this form and we’ll start the process.

Meet Calebe

[see translation here] Hello HH community, my name is Calebe, I am 9 years old.  I’m from João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. I have a weird hypothalamic hamartoma (HH). I was diagnosed with hypothalamic hamartoma (HH) in 2018. However, from my first years of life I suffered from the symptoms of this disease. I have always…

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Meet Amanda

“Amanda, it’s time to get your shot now! Go grab your Birthday Bear.” I was diagnosed 21 years ago with a brain tumor when I was just one year old. When I think about having my brain tumor, I can remember the various scenarios and feelings that I went through. Throughout my treatment I can…

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Meet Sofia [Translation]

Olá, meu nome é Luis Paulo e eu sou o pai da pequena Sofia. Estou escrevendo este blog no Hope For HH e compartilho um pouco da história de HH da Sofia. Espero que isso ajude a divulgar informações sobre hamartomas hipotalâmicos e a organização e site Hope For HH. Sofia sofria de ataques de…

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Meet Sofia

[see translation here] Hello, my name is Luis Paulo and I’m the father of the little Sofia. I’m writing this blog on Hope For HH share a little of Sofia’s HH story. I’m hoping this will help spread information about hypothalamic hamartomas and the Hope For HH organization and website. Sofia suffered from bouts of…

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Meet Kate

When Kate was born in August of 2014, in Fargo, ND, the nurses immediately commented on how ‘vocal’ she was. We were a sleepless family, as she would always wake in the night, making her ‘crying noise.’ She often had episodes throughout the week, where it would last the entire night. I can recall her…

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Meet Charlotte (Charli)

Echoing so many of your stories of HH (hypothalamic hamartoma) discovery, Charlotte was born on the 22nd July 2004 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. My pregnancy was not complicated, I did have gestational diabetes, but a mild form that was controlled by diet. Charlotte, or Charli to her family, did however show signs of an enlarged…

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Meet Layla

Layla is our sweet Valentine baby, born February 14, 2014. She arrived 10 days past her due date in the biggest snow storm that year. We joke that she has been doing things her own way since before she was born. She is very spunky, strong willed and quite the negotiator. She is truly one…

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Meet Anniston

Josh and I found out we were pregnant with Anniston on our one year engagement anniversary (about 2 months before we got married) – the pregnancy was unplanned but we were both excited and felt blessed to have been able to conceive so quickly. During my pregnancy I had a subchronic hemorrhage in the beginning…

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Meet Abby

Our daughter’s name is Abigail “Abby” Joyce Smith, she is 12 years old now, born December 2005. In utero, the doctors noticed she had a small dilation in one of her kidneys but everything else was perfectly normal. She had a normal birth and she had an ultrasound on her kidney to see if anything…

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Meet Elleanor

Meet Elleanor On June 11, 2012, we welcomed our first child, Elleanor, to the world. She was healthy and we were able to take her home and try our hand at this parenting thing. She was growing normally, but would make this weird grunting sound. At two months old I showed her pediatrician a video…

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Meet Elizabeth

HH is for life. In 1957 my wife was born, it was a normal birth but within weeks it was clear all was not right with Little Elizabeth. Doctors in those days had no idea how to diagnose complicated conditions in babies. As Elizabeth grew Epilepsy was confirmed but no treatments made any difference and…

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Meet Carson

Carson’s story Our story starts when I was 35 weeks pregnant with Carson. A routine ultrasound revealed that Carson had a very large cyst in his brain. Further follow up suggested that it was coming from the hypothalamus region. We delivered normally at 39 weeks, further testing couldn’t confirm anything else, so it was decided…

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