

A chemical substance produced by nerve cells, transported in the axon, and released at the synapse; causes chemical and electrical changes in adjacent cells.

Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear Medicine uses a small amount of radioactive, injectable material to demonstrate the function of the brain.  It can be used to localize where seizures start. A scan before the seizure for a baseline image and then again with the radioactive material given during the seizure to locate activity in the brain.  This is not…

Nurse navigators

These professionals can help you identify educational and support resources at all stages of an illness and can help coordinate appointments and prescriptions. They may be a primary point of contact within the healthcare system.

Orbitozygomatic Approach

A traditional skull base approach used to target difficult tumors and aneurysms that are too complex for removal by more minimally invasive approaches.  This approach involves making an incision in the scalp behind the hairline.


A doctor who specializes in the branch of medicine concerned with the correction or prevention of deformities, disorders, or injuries of the skeleton and associated structures.