Jake was diagnosed with HH when he was 4 years old. In spite of his seizures, he was a very happy young man. He loved to watch movies and he had acquired quite a collection of his own. He especially enjoyed his “movie nights” with his favorite Aunt! He also enjoyed drawing and coloring, as well. As a teenager, Jake achieved the Boy Scout rank of Eagle Scout – a very high honor! Jake always loved to do things for other people. Starting at age 19, Jake spent the next 2 years at a local humanitarian center as a missionary. It meant a great deal to him to be able to help others in need. Jake had his playful side as well. He loved to to play tricks on people, especially around Halloween and April Fool’s Day (things like rubber rats in your bed and fake broken arms)! He also loved pizza and hamburgers!!
Jake was blessed with friends and family that adored him, and he especially loved his 3 nieces and 1 nephew. He always looked forward to the annual “Crook Reunion” each summer and loved his cousins dearly. His presence will be missed but the joy he shared will be remembered.
Jake peacefully passed away on September 26, 2012. He was loved by all who knew him. He is now in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father. We love and miss him.
Merodene and Bruce Case
Once in awhile, now and then,
There hides among the ranks of men,
A SUPER soul, whose essence shines
Beyond the boundaries flesh defines.
Fun and funny, quiet, wise,
Excellence gleaming from his eyes,
He leaps the earth in a single bound,
And leaves mortality on the ground.
Faster than speeding bullets, he
Soars upward to eternity
Where heroes go to get their pay
For all the times they saved the day
Look! Oh, look! Up there in the sky!
A stalwart spirit passes by.
Not just a bird. Not just a plane.
A Man of Steel, released from pain.
His truer self, not bound or flawed,
Returns with honor to his God.
Love you, Jake
Written by Serena Davidson