News, Research & Resources recently launched new content on the!
If you haven’t visited the Hope for HH website recently, we encourage you to check out the newly updated and reorganized section on News, Research and Resources. You will find the following information:
- News includes articles reported in the press & archived Hope for HH newsletters.
- On the Research page, you can read about our current research grantees as well as apply for a research grant. You can also learn more about you can participate in research either through a registry or clinical trials. On the Research Articles link you can find key articles on HH overall or by specific topics (surgery, cognition, imaging and more) or launch a search of your own using PubMed (a free search engine that includes references on medical topics).
- Our Resources page is full of resources as you navigate an HH diagnosis, treatment and management. It includes recorded talks on HH from family forums and professional symposiums. It also includes Helpful Links on topics like financial assistance, travel resources, education, epilepsy and other related organizations, government resources etc. We also maintain a list of books we have found helpful through the years on epilepsy, special education, Learning disabilities, behavior and other related topics.
HH is a journey and our community values the insights and resources discovered by each family touched by this condition. Please contact us with content suggestions and updates as well at