Congrats to Hope for HH Medical Advisory Board members Drs. J. Helen Cross & Alexis Arzimanoglou, editors of the newly released publication, “Epilepsy Surgery In Children: Time is Critical.”
The book includes contributions from other MAB members including Dr. Jack Kerrigan and A. Simon Harvey, as well as HH Symposium participants including Drs. Sarah Ferrand-Sorbets, Martine Fohlen, William Gaillard, Philippe Kahane, and Yu-Tze Ng
We are thrilled to see whole chapters (eg Chapters 21, 34) dedicated to HH as well as articles focused on cognition, language, memory, psychosocial and other outcomes following surgery.
The entire Table of Contents of the book can be found here.
As the forward to the book suggests, surgery is long established as standard management of care for the right children. It is critical to refer and assess kids early, especially given the long-term benefits of early seizure control. This book intended for a professional audience has critical implications for HH patients and caregivers.
“Gelastic seizures associated with an underlying hypothalamic hamartoma can be difficult to recognize, but again early assessment and review is required to determine optimal ablative, disconnective, or resective management of the hamartoma to prevent longer term untoward consequences from the development of multiple seizure types to the characteristic adverse neurobehavioural profile (Berkovic et al., 1988).”
Thank you to our MAB for their tireless efforts to care for patients in the clinic and push and publish their research findings to ensure all HH and epilepsy patients receive the most optimal care. No doubt this will be the “go to” reference book for neurologists and other health professionals.
Dr. Alexis Arzimanoglou, Department of Epilepsy, Sleep and Paediatric Neurophysiology, Univer-sity Hospitals of Lyon (HCL) and Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre (CRNL), Lyon, France; Consultant Epilepsy Unit, Hospital San Juan de Dios, Barcelona, Spain
Dr. J. Helen Cross, The Prince of Wales’s Chair of Childhood Epilepsy, Deputy Head of Developmental Neurosciences Programme, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Institute of ChildHealth, London, UK
Dr. A Simon Harvey, Department of Neurology, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Dr. John F. Kerrigan, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix; Pediatric Epilepsy Pro-gram and Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory, Barrow Neurological Institute at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, USA