
A small, central region of the human brain formed by nervous fibers and a conglomerate of nuclear bodies with various functions. The hypothalamus is considered to be a link structure between the nervous and the endocrine system, its main function being to maintain the homeostasis of the body.

Rage Attack

A hallmark symptom of hypothalamic hamartomas and described explosive anger and often triggered by an external stimuli.  These rages are typically not manageable through traditional behavior therapy and can be devastating for both the patient and families.

Hypothalamic Obesity

A type of obesity that is caused when the hypothalamus doesn’t function normally. One of the most common reasons for a child to develop hypothalamic obesity is treatment for a brain tumor impacting the hypothalamus. Any injury to the hypothalamus can cause the condition. Impaired hypothalamus function can cause hyperphagia (abnormally high drive to eat)…


A condition associated with obstruction of the cerebrospinal fluid pathways in the brain and accumulation of excess cerebrospinal fluid within the skull.