Focused Ultrasound

An early-stage, non-invasive therapeutic technology with the potential to transform the treatment of many medical disorders by using ultrasonic energy to target tissue deep in the body without incisions or radiation.

Focal sensory auditory seizure

A focal seizure characterized by elementary auditory phenomena including buzzing, ringing, drumming or single tones. More complex auditory hallucinations such as voices are considered a focal cognitive seizure. Focal sensory auditory seizures involve auditory cortex in the lateral superior temporal lobe.

Focal sensory visual seizure

A focal seizure characterized by elementary visual hallucinations such as flashing or flickering lights/colours, or other shapes, simple patterns, scotomata, or amaurosis. More complex visual hallucinations such as seeing formed images are considered a focal cognitive seizure. Focal sensory visual seizures arise in the occipital lobe.

Focal somatosensory seizure

A focal seizure characterized by sensory phenomena including tingling, numbness, electric-shock like sensation, pain, sense of movement, or desire to move. These seizures involve the sensorimotor cortex.