For this week only (Today – Sat, Nov 26), Hope for HH will be offering our limited edition cups and water bottles to those individuals who are willing to Join Us and help make a difference for others with HH! We will be drawing names from the list of individuals that complete and submit the…

HH and College – Be your own best advocate!

This week we are meeting up with Jill Nico – the Program Advisor for Disability Resources and Services at Estrella Mountain Community College in Avondale, AZ. She assures equal access for students with disabilities, provides individualized coaching, and plans campus events related to disability issues for young adults. She has served in higher education in…

Get to Know the Professional | Meet Maggie Bobrowitz

The importance of a good team can never be underestimated, especially when it comes to choosing your team of medical professionals for HH treatment. For patients that have been to either Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph’s Hospital (SJH) or Barrow Neurological Institute at Phoenix Children’s Hospital (PCH) in Phoenix, Arizona – there is an…

A Laughing Seizure, Really?

I remember driving my car many years ago, listening to one of my favorite radio shows, Car Talk – Click and Clack The Tappit Brothers. At the close of their show on this particular day, they ended with the usual clever banter. But for me, this day would be anything but funny. One brother said…

Support HH as you shop for the holidays!

This month you can give and save even more on “Goodshop Sundays!” When you shop on Good Shop through 11/27, even more of your purchase will benefit Hope for Hypothalamic Hamartomas. So whether you are buying shoes for your kids, clothes for you, home goods, travel, cleaning products, or holiday gifts – nearly anything –…