Meet Abby

Our daughter’s name is Abigail “Abby” Joyce Smith, she is 12 years old now, born December 2005. In utero, the doctors noticed she had a small dilation in one of her kidneys but everything else was perfectly normal. She had a normal birth and she had an ultrasound on her kidney to see if anything…

Welcome Volunteer Bradford Davis to our team!

Heart of a Volunteer “The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.” – DeAnn Hollis My Daughter Elleanor was diagnosed with HH (hypothalamic hamartoma) when she was 2 (2014) after previously being diagnosed with reflux.  She underwent…

Meet Elleanor

Meet Elleanor On June 11, 2012, we welcomed our first child, Elleanor, to the world. She was healthy and we were able to take her home and try our hand at this parenting thing. She was growing normally, but would make this weird grunting sound. At two months old I showed her pediatrician a video…

Epidiolex Approved by the FDA for Epilepsy

Monday, June 25th, U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved EPIDIOLEX®(cannabidiol) oral solution for the treatment of seizures associated with two severe epilepsy syndromes known as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome in patients two years of age or older. For those living with intractable seizures caused by Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, EPIDIOLEX represents a…

Independence Day

The Fourth of July is always such a fun day of celebration in the US. It represents so much for our country and the sacrifices that were made for a chance at a new life. It is celebrated with barbeques, family gatherings and fireworks! Independence can have a very different meaning for many families touched…

Meet Elizabeth

HH is for life. In 1957 my wife was born, it was a normal birth but within weeks it was clear all was not right with Little Elizabeth. Doctors in those days had no idea how to diagnose complicated conditions in babies. As Elizabeth grew Epilepsy was confirmed but no treatments made any difference and…

Welcome Volunteer Traci Flanagan to our team!

Heart of a Volunteer “The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.” – DeAnn Hollis My goal in volunteering for Hope for HH is very personal. My son Christopher was officially diagnosed with HH (hypothalamic hamartoma) at…

Launched New Content | Treatment Facilities

Launched New Content | Treatment Facilities Hope for HH has recently updated our treatment facilities page here for the United States. HH (hypothalamic hamartoma) is a rare brain tumor and is best treated at an epilepsy specialty center. For patients newly diagnosed with HH or those living with and managing this condition, we encourage you to seek…

CDC Report Finds Epilepsy Remains Widespread

Report Finds Epilepsy Remains Widespread   The Division of Population Health of the Centers for Disease Control released a study titled “National & State Estimates of the Numbers of Adults and Children with Active Epilepsy – United States, 2015” which provides national and for the first time, state-specific estimates of epilepsy. The data show the…

Meet Carson

Carson’s story Our story starts when I was 35 weeks pregnant with Carson. A routine ultrasound revealed that Carson had a very large cyst in his brain. Further follow up suggested that it was coming from the hypothalamus region. We delivered normally at 39 weeks, further testing couldn’t confirm anything else, so it was decided…