Good Grief Batman!
For a 5 year old boy recovering from HH surgery, what could be better than watching old Batman reruns on tv? Maybe a trip to the Batcave and a ride in the Batmobile? Impossible you say – not for kids living in Phoenix with challenging medical conditions or coming to Phoenix Children’s Hospital for treatment!
This past weekend, Colby and his friends and family were invited to enjoy the entire Batman experience as guests of the Colton Cowell Foundation and Billionaire Bruce Wayne (aka Charles Keller). The Colton Cowell Foundation creates unforgettable experiences for families impacted by significant life challenges. By providing a night of respite and fun, their goal is to create cherished memories, instill a spirit of giving, and bring hope for the future.
So many HH families and patients with HH say – “Our situation isn’t that bad” or “Oh, I thought that was only for terminal conditions”. Not so! There are many organizations that want to reach out to individuals and families, especially those with chronic conditions like HH, and give them the gift of joy, laughter and even a short escape from the stresses of life.
While we all have been sworn to secrecy about the many fun things we saw and did in the BatCave, I can tell you the utter joy on Colby’s face that night was priceless. He has had multiple HH surgeries and still is not seizure free, but he had an adventure of a lifetime that we ALL will remember for a very long time.
As parents and caregivers, we often struggle with making things better or fixing the impossible. Events such as this one, and many other opportunities provided by national organizations like Make A Wish Foundation, and Grant Angel Wishes and Travel (for teens and adults) allow all of us to cherish a moment and forget about the worries and concerns for just a bit. Seek out those opportunities locally and nationally and let others help you…it is a gift all patients and caregivers deserve!